
IDA maintains several committees that work to promote the organization’s mission and to support the industry. Information on our committees and their activities appear below.

IDA Niche Committees

Finance & Administration

Leadership Team
Liaison: Randy Newcomb, Galesburg CVB
 Teri Hammel, Decatur Area CVB
IOT Liaison: Greg Mihalich, Illinois Office of Tourism

Marketing Plan

Market Illinois

Leadership Team
Liaison: Krisilee Murphy, Elgin Area CVB
Chair: James Cardis, Aurora Area CVB

Marketing Plan

Meet in Illinois

Leadership Team
Liaison: Beth Marchetti, DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau
Chair: Open

Please visit the Meet in Illinois web site at

Marketing Plan

Sports Illinois

Leadership Team
Liaison: Scott Dahl, Visit Springfield
Chair: Joan Kranovich, Quad Cities CVB
IOT Liaison: Greg Mihalich, Illinois Office of Tourism

Please visit the Sports Illinois web site at

Marketing Plan

Tour Illinois

Leadership Team
Liaison: , Ashlee Spiller, VisitSI
Co-Chairs: Kate Meehan, Heritage Corridor Convention & Visitors Bureau

Please visit the Tour Illinois web site at

Marketing Plan

Other ICCVB Committees


Leadership Team
Chair: JD D’Alfonso, Peoria Area CVB

Objective A – Develop a coherent, resonating message to communicate the value of tourism and CVB’s to Illinois

Objective B – Strengthen alliances with influential organizations, agencies and businesses throughout the State

Objective C – Advocate for the creation of a tourism-specific capital product development fund

Objective D – Analyze opportunities to amend State statutes to allow for tourism-specific business improvement districts (including research)

Objective E – Advocate for the restoration of full funding of the LTCB program

Objective F – Advocate for the restoration of full funding of the Illinois Bureau of Tourism budget

Please visit our Advocacy page for advice on advocacy efforts, access to the Illinois General Assembly, and information on the importance of Tourism Funding.

For legislation of interest, please visit our legislative partner, Turing Strategies

Education Committee

Leadership Team
Chair: Brittany Henry, Visit Jacksonville